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¿final version?

Unfortunately yes. It has lots of bugs, but if u wanna see how it all works u can download the files. Sorry for the late reply mate

(1 edit) (+2)

Really interesting graphic style. Love the 1bit BW. The homescreen and the stripy graphics to add energy to the still images is really cool. The gameplay seems a bit random but I enjoyed it.


Thanks for the feedback :) And yeah for now the only thing I can do decently is the art style, 1bit is my thing. Started knowing nothing on how to program, so I've improved a lot. Couldn't finish most of my projects, so even though this game is far from great, at least it gave me strengh to do things that I couldn't before. U were the first to follow me here and give me an actual analysis from what u think, so I can't thank you enough, so happy yooo